Friday 11 September 2009

Do You Believe In Miracles?

I've three new emails,
One from a dying Nigerian colonel,

He wants my bank details,
So he can send me fifty-four million pounds.

A saucy pharmacist from Los Angeles,
Is offering a huge discount on "adult pills",
She promises they'll give me,
"A thicker, stronger member,
as hard as tensile steel, all night long..",

And the third?
It's a threat:
I will be cursed forever,
If I don't open the attachment,

I'm not scared though,
Not now.
For soon I'll be a multi millionaire,
With sexed up magic pills.
Game over!

My personal bailiff told me,
That I should be due for some good luck,

There are still,
In this world,
Kind strangers.

All I need now?
A bank account,
And a girlfriend.
But I believe in miracles.

I hope you do too.