Thursday 11 February 2010

This Bag Of Nuts Doesn't Contain Belly Button Fluff

Thank goodness,
I opened a small bag of peanuts,
And was about to tuck-in,
When, purely by chance,
I happened to read the warning:
"This bag may contain nuts".

I think,
They really should start making bags without nuts,
With paper,
Or plastic,
Or something..

Of course,
I only ate the peanuts,

After I put them safely,
In a plastic container.
You see plastic containers,
Aren't made from nuts,
So I knew I was perfectly safe.

Belly button fluff.
None of the labels on my clothes warn me,
That they contain belly button fluff,
And yet my clothes always,
But always,
Leave belly button fluff on me,
Always in my belly button!
That's probably why it's called,
"Belly button fluff".
Wild guess.

None of my clothes contain nuts!
And my bags of nuts,
Never, ever contain belly button fluff!
I don't think so.