Monday, 13 February 2012
Hashtag Delete (Crash! Burn baby, tweet)
Hashtag delete -
From carnal filth and orchids
to blood-splattered spurned lover spam orchards..
Hashtag delete.
Hashtag delete -
From sensitive attentive forker
to demented obsessive stalker
- within a week..
Hashtag delete.
Truly, madly, fuck off creep..
Love's e-card ejector seat,
You're a crash test effigy burning up at super-light-speed,
You're up the viral creek;
The revenge repackaged, resent, ricocheted, repeated,
Photos and accounts like widows weep are mysteriously deleted..
Hashtag delete.
Hashtag delete -
Personal profile mission creep;
Grim reaper's instant messaging fits of pique,
I listen to Radiohead for light relief..
Hastag delete.
Hastag delete -
Starfucker chic to slam-dunk freak,
Troll Shrek shriek gobspeak kneecapping
- tweet.
Hashtag delete.
Flamed asylum seeker,
Return to Planet Bishop Beater,
Egg whisk sleet daydream believer..
Hashtag delete.
New age starchild playmate honey
to old testament boiler of the bunny..
Hashtag delete.
Amore's mermaid from Venus melting in your arms
to Kali's cosmic pony squirting karmic vengeance napalm..
Hashtag delete.
Latte to heartache, party to wake;
Slick rom com flam to green eyed battering ram spycam,
Such sad ad nauseam
reveals the typical arc of twenty-first century romance..
Hashtag delete.
Saucy little minx
to you're the weakest link;
From you're the stars in my sky
to whose eaten all the pies?
And next time I see you I'll poke out both your eyes..
Hastag delete.
Hashtag delete.
Burn baby, tweet.