Sunday, 2 September 2012
Not Dead On Twitter
You wait ages,
Then one dead celebrity arrives at the same time.
After a devastated moment or two of unfathomable reflection,
The Real Living Celebrity compere's their thought:
Lock and load.
Lodestar and embiggen.
......Liked (18,002)
For where your attention goes..
Abdominize catharsis:
Eulogise with as many as 140 characters.
It's a competitive crucible this Community of Loss:
Boldly sad.
The fabulist Jedi Mourners.
Formula One soundbite emoticon emissionaries :'(
You too can join them,
And experience the evident joy of marketing your mourning ;) that prompts me to mention I cannot even begin to focus on promoting my new-new book incidentally out tomorrow so please not now not now I don't know why I even mention it..
Drowning the gone.
Only the clamour of waves.
Only the clamour of waves is on.
Personally I'm also a little devastated:
I will never be the celebrity friends' dead.
I feel a genuine sense of loss;
Incomprehensibles far beyond words die in my simmering reliquary,
There no deliquescing celebrity shall seep to curate me,
On Twitter.
On Twitter,
They won't vent around my eco-pyre,
Valiantly tweet-viraling their gainful torment,
As my soul shift-phases to some fading cosmic goddess meme. that prompts me to mention I cannot even begin to focus on promoting my new-new book incidentally out tomorrow so please not now not now I don't know why I even mention it..
Did I say that already?
When you're not dead on Twitter,
You're dead.
And that's dead in the really bad way.