Tuesday, 23 September 2014

As Needles Rotate My Eyes, Another Movie Trailer

He's back!

He's a cop.

She isn't. A. Cop.

He's a guy.

She isn't. A. Guy.

He's got a wife and kids.

She hasn't got. A. Wife. And. Kids.

He's on the right side of the law.

She isn't. On. The. Right. Side. Of. The.Law.
He's a vegan..

She isn't. A. Vegan.

He's a sagittarian.

She's not. A. Sagittarian. 

But. They've. Both. Got. A. Secret. They. Share.

A. Secret. That. If. Revealed. Would. Crash. Both. Their. Worlds.

Their. Whole. Worlds. 


A. Secret. Revealed. Is. A Secret. Unconcealed.

Jessica Fawn-Comely... Antonio Badass.


Cash. Cow. Cliche. Maverick. Cop. Movie. Twelve.

Not starring.

Gemima Romcom-Manniston.

In all theatres from next week.