Thursday, 21 May 2015

Blow-Up Sheep Blues

Blow-up sheep blues
It's really bad ewes..

Monday, 18 May 2015


For we come from Planet Blancmange
For short we call Planet

We're good people
So we'll keep an eye on you
Make sure you don't do anything bad
We're interested in your funny habits
We the still ones like to know
We come only for your soul
We're interested only in the rock and roll
We come for all the good stuff
We come from Planet Blancmange

For short we call ourselves Planetarians
Or Blancmangarians
Sometimes we call ourselves nothing
Because we're almost all there is

You don't need to apply to join the Blancmangarian brethren
You're in
And if you want to stay out
Then we'll make sure to find out what you're about
We thirst to wet nurse

We mentioned
We come from Planet Blancmange
We are avian
Fly on springs
We'll build you a strong new society made of twigs
A net of twigs
A trampoline made of twigs
We'll give you springs as we don't do wings
Silly things
We spring along our string
String you along your springs

We're close to the entertainment industry
We've already made good use of that military
Lather for your brain to make it snow slow
Wherever we are
                       you go
And just so you know
We come from Planet Blancmange

We welcome your input
We'll give you all the salient facts
Then we'll encourage you to feed them back
Confirmation bias has a bad rap
Anything else is tin foil hat
We are all there is
Now what's so wrong with that
That's not a question
That's a fact

We don't like penguins
They cause global warming
That's why there's a hole over Antarctica
You don't like penguins
They cause global warming
That's why there's a hole over Antarctica
See how natural that sounds
And to effortlessly amplify
Just a simple example
A small free sample

Remember people who don't like us don't like you
We you are all there is
Don't be a Sceptical Simon
It's a form of ideological violence
We are electricity you shall be a taut string-strong pylon
Don't be a Sceptical Simon
We you are all there is

We encourage frank debate
We'll plate-up your spinning plates
Crumbs are baby cakes
We'll serve you our choices
Our singularity shall bend and curve only with tailor-made voices
We'll moisten the bespoke hand-picked fears
We'll imagineer situations and schedule tears and seamlessly shift through the gears
Embed our white noise machinations
Inoculate the calibrations
Toll the bells of celebration
Baptise in the dark the tips of the enemies spears
Our diverse fraternity goes back a few years
You'll really wish we are here
We are the talent you are the balance
We come from Planet Blancmange
We you are all there is
Soon there won't be anything
But showbiz

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Genghis Gandhi

His name is Genghis Gandhi
Let's strip his campaign hand shandy
As he blows straw men away through the msm In door
A free trade for peace
Here's another just war
Lock-on the porn of fear
Conquer and divide
Score and shoot
It's the name of that game
Kiss the ball of that boot

Weaving spells over his seashell crowd
Mesmerised by himself
The shepherd swells a coal that glitters
Slivers of vows smoke and lick melting mirrors
The thrumming of lectern stage-craft and spin
Camouflage the spiders' hidden vision

Perhaps that sits with you too strange
Perchance yearning to X the return-to-sender vote for change
Mustn't be cynical then
They're not all the same
Please consider Gandhi Genghis

Her name is Gandhi Genghis
She's all sympathetic dentist
She lip-syncs "the family..the hard-working poor.."
Yet flows for covert wars' surveillance whores more
She'll kiss your baby
                                      it can

                                             hit the floor
It's all tough love from Gandhi Genghis
Where compassion dovetails with a fistful of menace

They both spoil the rod
Withered lips gritted quote slayed men of peace
And if the said men were still alive
Laser guided boomerangs with fangs shall seek them deceased

Trolling truth to power speaks
Vacuum packs their spirited sheep
A theremin tune serenades
The curb kicking the bleating street

The gurning tango twerks the rabbit-hole sky
Let's pay obeisance sisters and brothers to the inverted all-seeing eye
Genghis Gandhi Gandhi Genghis
The croneys' The Internationale revelation in genesis