Friday, 9 October 2015

15 Years After I Had Sex With A Palanput

15 years after I had sex with a palanput
Even if I say so myself
That's a great title for a poem isn't it
A real world-beater
It was there floating confetti-like in the poetry ether
And I grabbed onto it like a panther
15 years after I had sex with a palanput

15 years after I had sex with a palanput
Poetry titles like this only come once a blue moon
I went online to search palanput
And nothing returned
I caught a made-up word
Well how about that
15 years after I had sex with a palanput

15 years after I had sex with a palanput
14 years doesn't sound right
16 years seems too distant
15 years after I had sex with a palanput
Was it in a plant pot
Palanput/plant pot
John Lennon would have been proud of that one

15 years after I had sex with a palanput
Will poetry readers palanput up with this
It will either be a big hit or a big miss
15 years after I had sex with a palanput
This might be the most original poetry title I shall ever write
Now the boring bit
Thoughts words lines