Saturday, 31 December 2016

The Process Of The Fake News Meme

back at the ranch..
a baby boomer marxist rock star
           just took a gong
it must be the new neo marxist third way
not gaddafi's third way
but that other fella's
third way

the marxist rock star
the obligatory one-legged lollipop lady
the arms dealer
the charity ceo that helps war victims
thrown in
for balance

a slebrity
a poet
a food critic
a food bank critic
but with a heart of gold..

food critics
yes and yes again

just gets away with it every time
i criticise lettuce
why don't you

you are tarzan
you are fake news..

fake news
the latest mainstream fake meme
striking shapes for snooze button mood music..

when the rusty forest falls 
a certain screaming tree
is a targeted sound..

grass hoppers 
let us bow down before the mainstream gods
their fake news dog wagging dog
comedy lethal
an appropriate use of steroids..

all your data will be strangely garbed for many many years
and shared with unknown peers
who you believe
what you say
your jejune everything
your images
your surfing habits
and deployed 
at a time of reckoning
being monetised thing might be the least of worries..

your deliberate misdirection
your zig-zag address against the moon
spewer of fake news
misinformed disinformer
that is you
questioning hoax fake fake news
you are a problem requiring creation
to be solved
and solved again..

all your thoughts junk dna
never to be thrown
broken into bite-sized gnomic metadata 
and for the love of crows

as you read this
you are 
a book
unfinished and complete
an unwriting 
a through-put of new code 
a dune sky you 
tangled in the web of net
the webcam interview
the quantum vessel
the self-heating missile
the unique signature..

the podesta emails
the clinton foundation
the haitian children
it is all fake
that was all fake for over four decades
from shepherds bush to downing street to a big house
all fake
all fake

important question
which news presenter will win celebrity come dancing
who can bake a really great cake
the queen isn't dead
but where is assange
don't worry about all those leaked dnc emails
all fake
he won't come to any harm

which news presenter will win celebrity come dancing
which mainstream media darling
will act best every morning
dancing the genuine mainstream news..

bow down grass hoppers
you are standing on a leaf quivering
you are just a fixture
in a really wired haiku
you will never be basho..

a cherry blossom goliath
the cold dead man's switch..

and here or there 
a truth ripped from a thumb nail
a mysterious blackout..