A celebrity
Takes a selfie
With her photographer
Who takes photos of her
taking her selfie..
Her summer scene perhaps green screen
Lead-lining her possibly CGI body..
She might be real..
The photographer frames her
into selfie artifact
Her tether form
Her ether quintessence
slips on this new force field
fans the siphoning blizzard
And everywhere
Songs of sirens echo
Ringing theremins...
I shall float on a broken window
Imagine how we might look through there
My longboat of mud and broken window
With a broken window sail
Let us fare
Through seas of ether we seek..
And many children as adult children
Dance and fuse with the mirrored shellac
As reflected phantoms swoop and glide
They sail down..
And plenty keep watch from the shoreline
The welcome party
So the cargo cult know they have arrived
Propelling the new myth-dream
Fit for Purpose
The broken window looking-glass gaze
Has it ever shone so fair..