Sunday, 15 October 2017

Telepathic Parrots Can Read Your Dreams

Split seconds dither atom-filled worlds
Atom-less in Dream
Gravity-sanctions tethers snap
Your lily pad helipad rotors snoring
Rapid eye movements swivel 360
Lifted elevations sizzle mystery..

And the moon slips off a cactus
Water-falling pineal mescaline
The lunar rivers dance and shimmer
Glittering golden galleons dive the craters
Loving couples' sky canoes
kiss anew
the vast raven canopy iridescence..

The wafting lemon-heavenly ice cream trees
The curious flitting still-life gazelles
The mermaid throes ram-raid
the wishing hole rabbit wells
What kind of a person
Would blissfully thrive on a moon as this
Well might I suggest
Such a locale
Should warm the cockles 
of anyone's jim-jams..

Naked from the forehead up
Saffron cornfields flip you
'neath cool cotton bed-sheets
Your magic carpet flings you
Songbirds perch twinkling 
Chirrup fantastical yo-yo meaning
The gleaners alight the force-field
Space skiing saucer surf chicks saucy..

Slow and riven ripples parallel rippling
Surf your noggin-skimming stone
Where dreams trip hours stellar 
Aeons spin in teardrop pipettes
Diphthong Mastodons jump the shark
Subterranean play-forms quaff the dark
So flit again against earth's grain
Between the timeless tick-tock..

A sublime mindlessness Zzzzz
What joy
Your punch card clock
You snooze button panther
Your once argumentative cock
Or you gentle ladies' you-know-what
Once of anciently always ready to rumble
You won't need your passport..

To seem
Threads needle your third eye
Looping though your other two
Venusian ice cream vans ding-dong true
Timbuktu xylophones tinkle didgeridoo
Telepathic parrots can read your dreams
Sip your gottle of gear
All night long
Gently watch over you
From another room
So taste the colours
See the sounds
It's all true
It's all true
It's you..

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The Noise You Make

the human resources director
revising and updating
the dignity at work policy
wouldn't notice the cleaner standing beside her
well why would she
the cleaner..a cleaner 
a cleaner..a phantom
a collection of molecules and atoms of falling sand
the cleaner a quark..

and the cleaner waited
the human resources director 
eventually directed her gaze
at the cleaner's pelvis
gifting the cleaner's pelvis her cup
the cleaner no longer shocked or embarrassed
..i only need your recycling paper sorry
may i have your used paper please.. 
and at that the human resources director
morphed a sink hole concave face
it might have been the cleaner's soft lilting accent
or was it the deep ask to mull 
finally the human resources director 
sonically sighed her cup back onto her desk
then lifted her sidewinder eye
two feet to the right of the cleaner
to some empty shelves 
suggesting to some empty shelves
you can do it later..can't you..
sing-song autotuned upward inflection
she's got the air miles
and with that the human resources director
returned to updating the dignity at work policy
while the cleaner..

the tea point had been cleaned
the cups and cutlery emptied wiped and dried
the worktop wiped 
then lightly polished to an admirable gleam
the green orange black and blue steel bins emptied
the dumped half-chewed under-utilised food 
the congealing consistency and look of freeze-dried puke
carefully tipped from the used food collector tub
into a used food disposable heavy-duty bin liner
to be picked up later
by one of her colleagues
traversing the orbits
with the big and battered blue trolley
the goods lift rodeo the bends its vertical horizon..

new j-cloth folded neatly over the mix-taps
the cleaner stood back
to survey all the tea point zone
finally after wiping down an invisible mark
she gave the all-good nod 
all sparkled..

floating over
a daffodil sculpted by the fists of moloch
a human resources assistant
tipped a half-full plate 
of microwaved organic fair trade slop
with herbal tea bag used condom
still swimming inside the mug
the spoon and fork 
fell rattling in the sink
a knife
so the cleaner..

the cleaner cleans the toilets
the staff forget to flush sometimes
jackson pollock art work piss-sprayed 
around beneath the splashed dripping urinals
scrunched used paper towels 
disposed of on the floor tiles
such busy administrators
so the cleaner..

the cleaner 
vacuumed all the human resources area
all the area
except that bit
because the human resources director
asked if my bit could be vacuumed later
because the human resources director busy..see
..need to's important
hate to say this..
it's the noise you make..

so the cleaner had to pick up the crumbs 
all the paper-punched snowflakes
and the used staples 
some like needles 
with her hand
some were stuck to the carpet
so ever so quietly she used the brush
delicate strokes of a painter..

and as the cleaner placed all the bits
in the polythene bag
the polythene bag rustled a little
and the polythene bag shouldn't have done that
and the human resources director
turned around..
and the cleaner..

a couple of days ago 
the cleaner 
hiding within one of the fire exit stairwells
was discovered crying
and the human resources director 
asked the cleaning supervisor
to comprehensively address the issue eh-ess-eh-pee
so the cleaning supervisor spoke with the cleaner
and asked the cleaner right away if she was okay
and right in front of the human resources director too
and the human resources director 
shook her head
no i didn't mean it that way..but hey..
so in what way did you mean asked the supervisor
and the cleaner had to turn away
so as the human resources director
could not catch her little smile
one little victory..

the end of the shift
the cleaner changed back into civvy gear
the human resources director
didn't meet her in the lift
no acknowledgment was merited
the ghost-face mentor
can't ever do cleaners' bodies-to-faces 
never mind names on lanyard display..
so the cleaner..escaped first
cheered hello to the security guard
he grinned a hello back 
they cracked a delicious secret smile
a beat..a silence..
and the human resources director 
could not help but wonder
whether the telepathy she just witnessed
was a disguised micro-aggression directed against her..

the cleaner wished the security guard a nice weekend
and if you can't be good be careful she teased
he winked back
and away she flitted to the bus stop
Veronica pulled out her mobile
and sent a smiley face to..everyone everywhere
while the human resources director...