visionaries of our ascension ~
anciently holy men
did they mean literal ascension
the grand gravity switch flick-off
so cities forests farms oceans
are swept up and away
snapped from centrifugal moorings
fished to the vast benday-dot canopy
the polka-dot silvery cherry night estate..
did they foresee i wonder
football stadiums shopping malls
in meteor garb flash above
then disintegrate and trash the moon
glass palaces
to splay on craters upside-down
implode their treasures here and there
crumpling and slicing steel starlings..
will people trees and animals
spin and soar like fireworks
revolve ever upward and away from earth
wrapped in blankets of brilliant black light
will our bodies shred like ribbons
will our souls rip away in the ether
stripped from flesh jackets
surplus to requirements
eyeless mindless boundless timeless
disembodied streams of strobe-consciousness
no longer believing but knowing
ah so this is what our sages foretold
and this is what they were getting at..
ascension ~
will ocean liners sail away to deepest space
like lost satellites
will art galleries and beach-front property
and the entire continent of antarctica
skinny-dip the sun
alchemise in rebirth-annihilation
liquid gold oblivion and embryo..
and should people and pets
simply ascend to hit ceilings
only to stir awake light years later
rubbing their eyes
will they open their front door and fall
onto white starlit lawns
and limpid platinum galaxy streets
spinning up lotus blossom rotor blades
spiritualise your new eden..
some of us might fall off to a planet
burn across its sky as screaming fireballs
for seers a glimmer by camp fires to gaze
look here ~ a sign ~ prophecy