Sunday, 1 December 2019

Festive Haiku

save fish eat plastic
oceans will thank you for it ~
plastic bags boil in the bag..

insurance primes
disaster capitalists ~
your ashes their gold..

black friday offers
sacrifice christmas shoppers ~
recycle worn tyres..

the newsreader smirks
the propaganda still works ~
fake news frames fake news..

festive photographs ~
bonhomie mirages for
broken marriages..

the libor scandal
so many billions stolen
yet pin-drop silence..


Dear Friend,
Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Friday, 22 November 2019

Swimming Within The Sparkling Tear The Rhinestone Ocean

swimming within the sparkling tear
the deepest chambers crest caresses
the emptying-out night fathoms
an ethereal annihilation
water in the shape of fire
molten icebergs..

weave sashaying through the ocean city
not on google maps
flip over the moss-covered stupas
 whirls and whirls
the deep blue nothingness a-to-z
then mu..

who paints the cover-art for your ocean depths
the ravishing oscillations
the sky seas ride you rolling on spheres
so what brought you here..

streaming floss cacti nebula
a desolate serenity of ink-blot dream
sea bed fireworks catherine wheels
if a rocket fires through your pineal gland
let it not disturb you
your almond will shine rhinestones..

sponge spears glisten diamond-tipped ~ the cupid ricochet
where life matters there love might mean everything
who has stolen and hid the algorithms
morphic resonance might open that locked cloudopolis yet
empathy entanglement ~ let battle commence
the neural networks of the universe
map/mirror your mind
creation is the cosmos Light colour-coded ~ life..

if you ever chance upon yourself alive
hang on to your holy shit transmissions
live out that soundtrack
the mountain tip depths
                               the valley-shaded summits..

the cities the lands the wars
yet one ocean ~
the cities the lands the wars
yet one ocean ~
the cities the lands the wars
yet one ocean ~

and when The Ocean strikes back in its highest octaves
the deepest bass Om reverberates
where soul has no race
where spirit no nationality
within a blink ~ gone
the kiss within its breath
the lifted sand
and where the tear explodes wide open
and there the blossom embracing Awareness
that sleeps within is stirred awake reborn..

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Autumnal Avalanche Collider

wavering sunbeams lemon steam bathing
zig-zag gentry-sentry leaves crimson upward-falling
lantern-like puddles down-high lit
a gliding sweet wrapper swan as a tropical fish
air grazing cheeks whiplash whips
tumbling sky butter-bronze egg-nog dip
lime scarlet canary yoghurt bobble hats dot
slate pavements flow shellac-sprung shimmery rivers
car exhaust plumes snort baby dragon silver
an ethereal violin here a booming bass there
an opera singer sea shanty floats out from a somewhere
clips the sound of autumnal air tousled bottled in space
a minimalist soundtrack composed
           by a feather-jacketed angel with her dancing skates on..

and the lozenge honeycomb artifact glides
hangs on a ribbon-weave a vapour trail sarong-swirl
an acoustic curtain amplifying emptying deckchair bird song
a branch snaps and fluttering wings rise
an owl muses the witness gazing after that swatch of sky
elephantine atoms dot the dot-to-dot high-rises
on a balcony a superman outfit
cigarette extinguished he turns
closes the slide doors
pants on the inside..

rustic melting pot perfumery
a déjà vu dodo of flung impossible scents
fishnet scrambling senses aroma-pixies awash
a falling canopy of veined micro-cities falling falling
venn diagrams enfold on themselves mix-tape shades
caramelise-wax the belisa beacons
plum umbrellas bob and drip volcano..

Monday, 21 October 2019


and did the visionary in more recent time
prophesy his verse schemed inverted
to echo to the rafters to enshrine
the war-mongers the priesthood the monarch..

for synagogues of satan to meld his lines
to reforge for human harvest
the darkest mills to consign generations weaponised
higher-mindedness denigrated occulted repurposed..

how appealing to the puppeteers
to rouse to sleep this sold deception
for what strange lamb now walks here
shadow-luminaries never question..

all the ecstatic insatiable spirits mock
their grand designs stock furnace sacrifices
impassioned innocents the flag-waving flock
melasurej the extinguishing anthem here lies..

and did the seer divine numinous
this time-unreal as anciently known
confirming was it not ever thus
there is nothing new under the sun..

bring us our sleeping bags and sunglasses
bring us kitsch sentiment and pied pipers
bring us glowing sticks and distraction devices
string us along with cipher..

we must never overcome never grasp what is clear
nor lift the lid on the palace creature
their road of excess has led to melasurej
the dark lights entrance so the glazed-eyed revere..

Sunday, 6 October 2019

..And There Is Still Too Much Food In Their Plastic

the cynicism was getting too much
the nay-sayers ~ independent scientists/researchers gaining some ground
despite the de-platforming and the lamestream narratives
the whores of the various palaces were worried..

for the vaccine spice must always flow
similarly 5g and the opioid and the gmo
the conspiracy theorist/fake news name-calling losing potency
the hundredth monkey going plenty rogue neath the echoing pleasure dome..

in the deep Intel caverns stood a half-man oracle
he was grown in a special vat of flame-lit shadows
the thick goo fluids oozed behind his eyes
he enjoyed the children supplied..

simple he said with a wave of his gloved hand
we must develop an a.i vaccine
that targets and destroys such wayward thought processes
before they have a chance to develop bed-in and metastasise
in other words a vaccine for all vaccines
in other words inoculation to fight what we shall soon name vaccine hate-crime..

firstly though we must very carefully set the ground
let us roll out a few tamed killer viruses
create the 
carefully choreographed demand for compulsion
then after some telegraphed reflection 
we will very reluctantly agree to make law..
we will crisis-act the usual enchanting rhetoric so
“it is all about the balance the balance the balance..
      ..correlation is not causation..
            ..unfounded cynicism is a terrible thing..”
order through chaos with the help of a few useful idiot celebrities..

he went on..
as this is an advanced formula
we can reprogram and re-purpose remotely many times
similarly deploy such nano-tech in smart dust and psychotronics
..and there is still too much food in their plastic..

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Planets Earth

lip read the cloud shapes morphing
falling words italicised might dance on eyes
blow on the sun for a coronal ejection
watch whiplash fused curves circle..

as trees enfold the moonlit branches
ghosts melt through the grass to slumber
when a long ago lover is far
spinning the heavens..

shed a tear-blown-kiss wrapped in ribbons
every planet earth a pavement
a blade of grass a galaxy a nursery
a broken heart a minute by minute eternity..

a hazy ruby rises on a lunar plane dissolve
what songs do moon mermaids sing
scorched woodlands would lift the ground

a pillar of cloud uprooted dragons climb..

planet earth planets earth
a builder a mystic a bulldozer a fake cure
moths enchanted trace the religion of bullet fire
gilded streets orbit debt slavery gold..

as playful unique fish glow by fukushima
almost as dangerous as carbon dioxide
a.i gods do not give me grace
for you only seem to own this rent asunder estate..

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Favourite Headache

poetry is..
in the space
my favourite headache

the empty side of the page..

where the dark night flecks its gold
where trees die for recyclable pamphlets
where performance preachers project and spurn
where parallel earths playfully entangle..

where verily truth lies
where the tarot reads the diviner
where the flowing reflections crystallise..

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Pound Store Mystery

a fibre optic flower a radiating blue porcupine 
the midnight hour plus a few
the office lights off crackling cool
the moths pray
the last clock-watcher gone eyes parched bones
the fibre optic blooms flourish tiny dots
the blackness unity a meeting
the office blinds charcoal slats
the ceiling thrums like a native ghost meditating
the indoor plants photosynthesise strung out energy beings
an art film scene dissolves to a phantom diner..

drinkers hydrate their urine
vaccinate the mercury
nodding dogs walk the whirling wall barking trees wither..

rearranged images wolf-whistle beer mats
tattoos naval gaze wasteland memories
a wreath orinoco a fled fleet love
snowflake origami..

a lime light flashes
a printer erupts
genuflected documents salute the clicks and shudders

a mouse scurries
the printer snare-drums the hushed silence audible..

off a ringing phone hangs a disembody
an added value pound store mystery
a lonely child
or a suspicious spouse tilting at axes
..hello...are you there...are you..
so where are you then..well i am here..
     so please pick up..
       ..have something to say..
an echo peels inside threading through an echo
sounds the same fast forward on rewind..

the office reception fish tank bubbles
a coral reef fresco minus plastics
the soundtrack outside whispers yes via tyres on rain


recycled air hums as flies humidify glass
a spider tickles a swivel chair moonlit
motes of zero-gravity dust spiral pop and bang
the office safe locked
the biscuit tin verily protected..

in a hotel bed the wafer thief is weeping
consoled by the wife of the snack detective
a logging watchman underneath the sofa stream
a sliver of a being
a palimpsest of 2d flickering by the plasma tv..

propellers rotate on roofs of office blocks
fanning the stars sailing the oblong rocks
the sky steers the cityscape
as the stirred asleep fall..


Wednesday, 21 August 2019


the puddle reflects
lamp post starlight ~ the moon
the ocean of night

from the nuisance rain
artificial grass shimmers
plastic sheen so green

plastic vinyl roof
push-buttons for medium wave
manual hand-shandy

puce rage and thrown plate
i said blancmange not custard
~ an easy childhood

true loneliness is
savile impersonator
at party so hush

wheelie-bin so sad
daleks gave it a bad name
wheelie wheelie bad

the installation ~
whirlpools of kinetic piss
turner prize winner

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Bliss Archetecture

for a few minutes let us meditate upon a timelessness once upon
you ~ before being
unborn etheric perhaps anciently timed-out
presupposing pre-existence..

infinity atemporal
paradoxically luminous yet without light
floating inside-out non-space
to bubble-soak in the deepest extreme gradients 
the enchanted canopy of no sound no colour no taste..

vivified ~ a vial of refreshed sand grains
the timer outside-in

encasing the rhythmic thrum ~ a pointillistic nothing 
the quark of you blinded into sight
blending falling 
within all your rivers shimmering onyx
as the curtains tipping down raise you up to a new engulfing vastness..

slipping away ~
your pin-drop sonic boom awakening
the awareness shifts 

the distant memory-set pier unmoored disappears

an inkling of you-dimensionality alien-familiar
the new threshold inking-in the limpid
the selfless altruism stoking

the grand new goal granted
the embryonic totality all-knowing
so restive
the-i now entering the stadium ~ a self..

to enter this universe
to be enveloped in ether
perchance this outermost galaxy curving you to this strange planet for birth
the species the-i would soon integrate into carved
the descension ascension
all carefully selected 
and yet certain granules in the fire forge sparks into spears
and so pierce the awareness so driven..

swarming glittering starlings all
spiralling and spiralling
future murderers and victims and saints
and all the mundane in-betweens
self-selected and sovereign
entwined separating
all ecstatic points of reason
the flowing canvas constellations trace murmurations racing and passing

this spiral arm that spiral arm
options and purposes
a given free will unbound..

so portrait frames formed before form
keeping score the blown leaves crystalise
kiss their blossomed night ringing out
rain down-washing the baptising lightening strikes
melted time reforming  ~ lluminates landscape..

so after the i-am selection
from quadrillions to the infinite power
and for a moment ponder on that 

out the birth canal swims this cosmogryal nascence fixing..

the miracle screaming or subdued dead and blue
the melted candle quickened
a quick knock-out one-two 

vanishing before the hello-and-farewell..

time-looping ~
perhaps after another elusive time dying before dying

the sex and skin colour and genetic heritage too
also the place of your birth
parentage and descendants also
the is bearing the gift free will supreme..

and down..
immersing in the who and what to be and what to love and what to hate
immersing in the who and what to value and what and whether to believe 
preconceiving all the expectations
picking the numbers ideal
the numbers roll for the eternal wheel for finity
what goes against the grain..

to be a protoplasm
or to be a being
delineated happenstance a fated fading-in sculpture
here the scheme dances

and what writhes around everyone wrapping through every place interlacing
flowing and shaping across the whole design arc woven
imagination hinterlands explore the mystery of consciousness
free will questions margins ~ mirages ~ maya..

how about your nature and innate drives
the sociology
all aspects of your divine predestination the nature of your arrival
the journey and the curses and the loss
you wondering what in you chose all of this
this very spirit and body and soul
this consciousness
locked and loading
pre-loading fired..
to be a physical being
and i chose to slip on this 
unremembering my i-conception when of then..

yes/no to congenital disabilities
should this i inherit any hereditary diseases
from a menu pick
my levels of sanity/insanity
all discretionary
that is true free will
how ever destiny seems..

chosen ~ should i have enough food to eat
should i die almost instantly
how safe and loving the environment would be ~ chosen 
so too the demons and angels and absentees
and how the-i might be affected
how the damage might manifest
and what would be its harvest
~ free will rolling..

my upbringing
the language that would profoundly shape my reality slot 
my class/caste/clan/creed/culture and integration

my tastes
my unconscious drives
the triggers and clicks 

tick here here and here - free will..

chosen ~ invader or invaded
chosen ~ to be or not to be your king
chosen ~ to be miscarried or terminated
the tough love enfolds us with such free will choices
the bleeding unspool all golden..

to be loved or spurned
to be abused or protected
to be the lucky one or utterly rejected ~ free will 
unforeseen consequences cosmic and karmic ~ chose it all..

and yet how the fleeting glimpses ache..

were you an abused baby
it was free will
it was karma
and consequently should you then end up with a needle in your arm
those tracks are your selected station
the spirit so traumatised smashed to bits

no grace under pressure ~ perhaps in your soul contract ~ the journey station and station
you have the free will not to believe in free will or karma
~ the sauce of source..

to be able to defy gravity
to be able to fly
gentle war widow you are immortal..

the levels of injustice and privilege chosen
the hurt the desolation the elevation
the love and the joy and how to feel and incorporate it all

and that is true free will
detach enlightened grateful..