Friday, 15 May 2020

Gag Persona

cheerfully so with child-like angst and wonder
i enjoy bashing my head crumpling brick wall blubber
glassy of gaze staring blank at studio monitors
bewildered-tundra-beards my eye-bags grow

as i tune my thoughts beast-mode
                           stretch limo on break-up piano..
waves of my muse lap up overlapping mud
the warbling neon theremin carousel i ride
turns out those pearls be strung-out beads of glue

yet such inspiration glows pregnant and proud
                                       every pompous beer-gut-child..
bin-liner blow-hards daresay i suck didgeridoo
but they serenade crickets my artless careering-mind me-toos
so scoff at my soi-disant tragic artist persona
 for as you sob i soar
                      tripping the swaying lighters
                                      hot-wired to gag for my grim catharsis..

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