Sunday, 22 November 2020

Our Man From The Identity Poetry Politburo


celebrated cutnpaste lowly poemy priestlet
tidemark itchy hornet rash pointy finger beat
pulp-spam-pulpit bow-wow thunk-policer hubris
tinnitus rhythm ding-ding illiterative glimmerist..

tavistock instantman boilerplate sham-angster

ident-politburo pummeler june-jejune poetrickster
didactic spammer nappyglam antsy lisa moaner
scheme-miring teeth-grinder parrot funnels emus..

he likes shagging feminists an agitprop priapist
blowhard thumbs-up likes entice horny misandrists
bingo clipboard tickntick a triggered miser wordist
another gesture-genuflector fistfuls of fog remain..

should you beg to differ defer to tram his thong
his fake love upturns hummus man frosty kong
beast mode turbo ego astroturf fluff-tiggerdome
larynx bullshit stratocaster vacuum pack one tone..

entitled prune-messiah rising on the bbc so soon
another covid wave he will master-mug on zoom
an mbe on its way a gold globule for purple piss
because that is the way they like it..tick tick tick..

anal mason plasterjazz noodley tree of po show
dot insectoid splatterman spins vortex-neck libido
leaning pisa maestro glows fabulist in tepees
per tiddely-pom tadpole-fizzy he waxes rivet-ditty..

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