Sunday, 22 January 2023

Selected Rainbow Delayed?


selected rainbow delayed
so dapple that timeline
blow a retuning kiss
brushstroke certain fine strings
reverberate scintillate fuse-with thrum
reharmonise feel your angel sigh..

selected rainbow delayed
silver darkened for the bottle-green
grasping at a distant cosmos near
so spin again the sharpened twig
be the cosmogryal whirlpool and be
lift emanant sliver lift..

selected rainbow delayed
ripple in the field of oneness yet
oyster yarn nacre to pearl
cracked matrix bewitch
you the tower of stars made make limpid
pouring ideas to animate and witness..

selected rainbow delayed
lost in words then try the wordless
particle is wave is..and what is
curve the linear light-you so driven
time-flit the mysterious wellspring sheer
wonder on more than the dust down wish..

Thursday, 5 January 2023


so here is another funny thing..

as we grow older
less vulnerable more
our steamed-on scaly scar tissue
only seals the fermenting inflammation of neatly folded wounds sore
lashing the sorriest with the deepest camouflage
camouflaged and cooked-to-raw for so much longer..

and being so philosophical about all this stuff
the wondrous self being so all-knowing
the heart harrowed is now firmly bookended
and professionally leather-bound..

and all the while holding its pride of place on the coffee table
and for practical reasons primed to be held purposely closed
in parenthesis this takes up so much less space
only to be kept treasured as a block-timed keepsake
fun for triple-locked subterraneans laminated in a fearful safe-space..

despite everything
the foolish may attempt to open up to discover a new page
and risk massive attack from leaf-pressed dust motes spraying out all spry
spry gonzo missile magnets plastering the agitated and enflamed
to reignite the long-dormant combustible 
especially when exposed to unregulated air
with all its anciently-known capable danger..

so treat immediately..
coat affected area with dabs of distilled vampire honey
and to lessen temptation to retaste
hang out in the milling rain to dry..

when sunshine cannot be avoided
with opaque layers of light-reflective film
it will not hurt to also cover the protective sleeve
then cast out with weights in a scythed fishing net
dropped from a cloaked submarine
to then closely monitor with its upside-down perescope..

ensure the bookends are only made of strange hybridised materials
such as cave stones dusk-treated with enteric-coated strechy spider webs
occasionally wash the surrounding and affected vulnerable area
with generous drops of distilled lukewarm ice..

to protect warping
keep you leather-bound in place mobius-looping
and add a sprinkling of dry-roasted frost
and avoid extreme gentle breezes 
and all other sources of harsh warmth
and for further advice consult a certified cardiac spelununker..

if problems persist
download the app
and easily convert your leather-bound
into a feel-so-free feeling-free pdf..

Sunday, 1 January 2023

For In All This Aching Beauty..


rotating the numb grey kaleidoscope
hues and textures of scraped-up old snow
as liminal as heaps of ash swirls
another year melds and melts
layers and layers of static and stasis overlay
the glinting glowering fractals sharded
offer their spindly morphing branches for perching mocking owls
and how they stare as you seem to sway..

lush hints of emeral jar
wavering beams of unenticing sunlight threaten to only melt and blind and bake
falllen crimson leaves splash their spilt rusted drops
the baleful moon as cold as saturn relates..

in patches angular reeds so stark break through
cracking the icy lake
where water gushes and gulps for oxygen
timorous gasping fish bubble up as if for prayer
blasts of trapped poison steam-release
and float up to seal away the heavens
from the fathomless deep where only oily darkness dwells..

but ovals of smoke rise and spiral and elongate from a different valley distant
are they signals of rescue
or cries for help
or deeply encoded messages for the long-lost but open-hearted traveller
come hither..come hither
there is something here for you
follow the charcoaled trails on sapphire..

follow the charcoaled trails on sapphire..
gently walk past the deer oracles as their onyx eyes gaze upon you
at nightfall the curlicues of smoke plumes will still visibly mark the cobalt night
regard the scent trails entwining falling rain as limpid shadow-light 
your eyes so accustomed to grey so vivid will be the unextinguished lick of flame
so nocturnal you will so easily discern the distant sparks veiled 
pain can still offer ways away
pain can still tilt your world a warmer way..

follow the charcoaled trails on sapphire
and allow the iridescence of the moonlit dew drop necklaces to star-wish for you
and when the dawn rises inhale the bracing and rich petrichor nectar
even the yielding soil and fallen twigs generously teem with purposeful cycles
and you are immersed as part of this so let the embracing ozonic air cleanse you
and wash away your copious tears of salt so draining
that distant birdsong can heal you
that distant birdsong hears you..
for in all this aching beauty
is the you of this 
in all of this..