Friday, 10 March 2023

Once Before An Unbroken Time..

though one swallow may not make a summer
and one bloom of bluebells a spring..

even the silvering moonlight streams are sunning
as the real new year is ushered in with spring
for living nature knows this cycle by day and night
as did we once before an unbroken time..

on the lit warm cheeks and lips
heads swim up like sunflowers
that gently revivifying kiss recharges and renews and heals
for nurtured life rejuvinates and transforms with itself everything
this the great artists
 once tenderly knew and unashamedly celebrated..

with stretching dusk the peachened pear tops the vast peacock sheen
as passing strangers connect with eyes less stern more kindly
telepathic excursions sip deeper possibilities
the enlivened senses simmer on the flourishing scents
revelveted the ribboned fields sway emerald multi-coloured swatches
all this and more the natural new year the spring presents..

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