no slave left behind
soon chipped for progress to lose myself with my digital id
neural-linked to my cbdc wallet/ personalised variegated currency
my credit allowance expiration dates/ rewritable scrubbable history
integrating valued behaviours/ bespoke personality
my neo-akashic record to present all with all my psychic leakage
and stamped with my jab-dna passport kept healthy
i might freely roam right to the very glassy edges
to the very glassy edges of this my endearing fifteen-minute/mile city
no slave left behind
no slave left behind..
no slave left behind
the singularity will beam me my repurposed state of mind
eager to be pump-primed/ earn privileges i shall receive treats
more flexible expiry dates more potency-points more sweeties
i will comply and i will comply/ vacuum-packed tripseed
starlink pleroma i will report the dissidents and dislikers
i will be as one with the smart city grid/ all-seeing-eye
i will be licensed a new future-to-past
i will sport spinning glitterball eraserbubbletm irises
no slave left behind
no slave left behind..
no slave left behind
protein worms/ munificent offerings/ the beneficent messiah a.i.
electromagnetic panoptic prism/ synthetic limitless hedgerow skies
i shall be the empty goblet energised
pouring forth bountiful numbness aligned
less i be rearranged and reassigned
lesser designed
deported to a gamma-man entrainment reeducation leasure camp
andrenochrome scooped to be grated dappled/ clamped/ fish-tanked
no slave left behind
no slave left behind..
sterile and pure/ lights out/ the ventilator that passeth all understanding
smart lampshade/ trigger monitor/ liquidator retinas/ blow-up sophia-love
shorn-note songs/ activated neon tatt throngs/ fluoridated pilgramages
my pine cone readied to pendulum swing/ empowering zip-ventilated wings
pureblood-gonged/ shed on/ golden graphene/ monsoons of aluminium
no slave left behind
no slave left behind..
racing to this boundary
but the engine cuts out
and as it rolls to a crawl
all the doors lock..
i somehow smash my way out
and beneath the unlit undusted trees i run
then a cloud-strober
then a flash and then another
a searing heat shoots up and down my spine shattering
splintering i explode
fall onto the wasteland barren a meadow of real grass
and am i dead..
asleep i awake
what a strange and bad dream
why would i imagine even doing such a ridiculous thing..
no slave left behind
no slave left behind..