sold as inevitable
how execrable..
Saturday, 28 December 2024
Guessing Fun With Senryu
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
How A Genocide Is Reported On The Mainstream
tomorrow the weather will be a little milder than today
particularly in the southeast
there could be a little more nuisance rain on the way
christmas will be green..
Sunday, 1 December 2024
Rent-Free Inside My Mind
rent-free inside my head
my mind
would you like to swap yours for mine
even for a short while..
then you can shoot high up
even past the stars
or failing that
at least you can splatter your skull cosmically into drywall
please be assured it only hurts for a short time
and then you can marvel as your home
effortlessly spins round you
replete with silvery shards of splintered bone
like an exploding glitter-ball
what glamour
what more could a discerning adult hope for..
so why not hike rent-free inside your head
my mind
help yourself
oh please you first
and you first every time
so how about a swap
my mind for yours
generously offered on free-hire
at least consider my mind for your air-fryer
cook up my thoughts in your head smokeless
for synapses deep-fried
and not a drop of fancy olive oil required..
why not trapeze rent-free inside your head
my mind
where multi-dimensional beings traipse
and bubbling-up realms await
to kaleidoscopically morph and flower
there your fevered dream-time beckons
where hours flash by in elasticated mercurial seconds..
and though you will wake up exhausted
grasping at astonishing misted memories fleeting
with thoughts and observations you cannot share
for you immediately will be institutionalised
alas deeply concerned citizens are everywhere
small price to pay
think of all the amazing experiences you can share
with yourself..
all you need do is swap your mind with mine
even if only for a short while
or at least swap my mind for your air-fryer
crazy rent-free adventure will be there for the taking
carpe diem and happy sailing
no fancy olive oil required
just mind the walls
cover your wallpaper
and be wary of your difficult responsible neighbours..