Tuesday 8 October 2024

The Vacuum Program

the broken sun sets the lens
peers through our cracked windows
and though so afar
the breaking second star stirs alarmed
flares spin and arc the coronas
electrical sentient salmon
urgently send and receive signals..

goddesses hold the plasma realm torch
more than binary star emissaries
our worst betters dare not tell
shifting effortlessly through pre-packaged gears of lies
would you like to get medieval
you held your tongues all this time
though offering clues and throughlines
of symbols and alignments and signs
is it only when it is almost too late then your time/ our time..

chariots planet-size portal eject
umbras like waterfalls sparkle and spray
nothing so observed ever officially acknowledged

and because we exist
where the heavens are considered the infinite vacuum
down here
we freebase the sympathetic synthetic vacuum
at ease with piper pipes
how many great resets already done and dusted
on this haunted planet of secrets..

playtexnauts never trod any lunar cities
or discovered a single crater-metropolis lit up bustling
hole-punched craters perfect circles
fashioned by drop-dead asteroids
drop-dead asteroids like apples must dive perpendicular
a designer lunar gravity thing
another strange kind of moon landing..

the space program
the big bang program
the material universe program
the vacuum program..

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Twisted Forms Of Test

he is a misanthropic healing angel with a clenched fistful of face
he projects a divine uplifting presence consciously unknown to himself
when he sits on the train commuters nearby feel whole again so blessed
his tender emanations grace them so as their pain and conditions vanish
they confusedly smile at him in gratitude and try to make eye contact
but he believes they are only mocking him
for he has no conception of his miraculous beneficence
he remains so baffled and hurt that people will not leave him alone
he weeps inwardly at the bewildering mocking world cast around him..

he is a misanthropic healing angel with a clenched fistful of face
his auric energy field vanquishes dark entities despite himself
eyes lowered while at work yet his colleagues feel so spiritually uplifted
staring at him distracted as he despairingly completes spreadsheets
they marvel at his loving presence and his air of nonchalance
alas he misreads their attention as micro-aggression
for he has no realisation what his higher self is capable of
perplexed that his colleagues single him out so
what am I doing wrong so often feeling very alone he ponders..

he is a misanthropic healing angel with a clenched fistful of face
he always takes the better path despite the ways he feels mistreated
he understands in this dense realm so very few have it easy
thus he wishes all well despite the strangeness of their behaviour
they are just projecting onto me what is hidden inside themselves
he also rationalises such experiences as twisted forms of test
an empathetic misanthropist reconciled to the current human condition
he laughs and makes light of the terrible plight experienced here
for me someday maybe soon all this will all end
i remain hopeful
one day humankind really might mend itself..

Sunday 15 September 2024

Bomb You Back Better

gigadeath-upgrade desensitise
the discordant bells voodoo chime
veiled chiefs pummel the precipice
the ultimate white-out fantasy entices
their wish..

walls melt a tumbling mud flood
drop-ship suns dish balmiest night
shelled heads lit liminal fluoresce ignite
echoing screams fuse with melted headsets
spill out themselves scrambled
like exploding brain matter lava lamps
concussive kabooms kaboom
whipping up consummate lashings of loosh..

flying tree trunks evacuate gardens upturned
the maces of giants lift and levitate like uprooted rockets
then as fireworks cartwheel
beeline careening windshields
bludgeon with pinpoint accuracy
the molten windmilling rushing trunks
profoundly brush seat-belted skulls splattering sledgehammered..

then another shock-wave..
and the pizza delivery guy
pan-bases into roadkill topping
sprays a helmeted frothing crimson rainbowing heatwave
and the benign ketchup-being
in delightful flashing x-rays lays there bone-naked
vacuum-bombed splendid..

war accelerates innovation
more novelty to try..

the moldering reality
given an extreme makeover
a spectacular maximalist gaza
this time for all the useless eaters of earth to enjoy..

not to worry
the a.i. in repose will continue to create vapid art
while uplifted downsized chipped cohorts
will continue to toil like magnetised dogs
more tightly leashed to the pullulating soupy effervescence..

the continuity of change..
evolution steps up a notch
transhuman thought-forms are go
empathic androids will take living-dead for walkies
the dead-dead in the meantime
blasted right down to the singed hair of their silhouettes
might spin away into the luminous void
as their discombobulated angels
dive towards the mirroring moon..

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Clear Blur

by the flashed-up dark of the switched off sidelamp
i hear the rustling breeze amplify
cars unroll the torn street
beam through the blinds
the oversized shark eyes loom over lit shadows 
and strobe along the ceiling
a still lake moonless upturns
the dark scatters and coalesces..

the brushed away dry leaves patter
lightly scamper along the pavement
my heart beats slow
my ears thrum the coursing seashell flow
one distant firework hisses and bangs
to silence
the beat of nothing the vacuum ripples..

such tones land this nightsky fast awake
hovering just so above the ground
human cryptids flicker around true crime stories mute
and only a few bipedal-friendly floors away
through a door keyhole
a moloch eye expertly trains on bobbing antlers receeding
then to a thud of a firedoor a zed echo slams..

Sunday 25 August 2024

To Earth..


he is standing in front of the firing squad
his silhouette waiting
the slow air bleeds silent..

..and he is still standing there
still waiting
while a distance away
the firing squad hide in plain sight
wavering still black flames
aiming him the heat of their collective fixed gaze
at ease..

even now 
he is still here standing and waiting
he leans against the wall
his throat dry and parched
tear ducts drain damp salt..

a glass of water would be nice..

latest update..
as you read this
he is still waiting..

any second now
any minute now..

Thursday 15 August 2024

For-Those-Who-Have-Ears-To Hear Haiku

your intuition
your inner-eye fingertips
at your fingertips..

Thursday 8 August 2024

Such An Easy Way Out

they had no idea no idea
why she did it
she took her life
perhaps in the most desperate act of self-preservation
almost instinctive
mercy kill the screaming remnants an emergency evacuation
exposed defenceless to all the invisible raw twisted elements..

she just needed out
the most desperate act of self-preservation primal
she knew they would not
could not understand
she could not share what she went through with anyone
the experiences
the terror
the eternal shame
the utter rejection
the sheer incomprehensible loss
ice and isolation
all the inexpressible..

no i have no idea what she went through
why should i care
it probably was not that bad
she was so selfish
we all have our troubles
did she want a medal..

no..she will have to go through it all over again
she must learn her lessons
she could have asked us for help
i mean what about me
she obviously had no empathy..

yes what was it
what did a wise person once say..
oh yes..
a permanent solution to a temporary problem..
such very wise words..

nothing lasts forever
get over it
she chose the easy way out
nothing lasts forever..

i will still pray for her
i am nice that way
no matter
she will have to do this all over again
she should not be allowed to get away with this..

tough love in the hell realm
get over it
let us pray for selfish folks like her
but only a little bit..

Thursday 4 July 2024

X Might Mark Their G-Spot Soon (Variant Artists 24/25)


will old mcdonald get bird flu
i e i e i e
old mcdonald may indeed get bird flu
faltering pandemic treaty
quack quack..

another bus so impossibly soon
same destination
ding ding
could this again be a thing
could stranger things again happen
who knows..

with a nudge-nudge here
and some fabulist fear porn there
engineered clamour for urgent action everywhere
old mcdonald may indeed contract bird flu
well y-not y-not y-not
chirp chirp baah..

kitten flu
loch ness monster flu
saskwatch flu
dodo flu
yeti flu
another variant-of-terror-for-another-booster flu
flying goldfish flu
swimming emu flu
colonic pharaoh flu
killer daffodil flu
big pharma are on it all for you
for you can never be too careful..

will disease-x woo the new wu-flu
umm ahh ohh umm ahh ohh
a come-hither needle here
another lockdown there
another funky pandemic good-to-go everywhere
shepherd the cattle for defcon1 newest new-fear
for the quacks to moo
dog whistle the deep sheep-dipped woo
this time target all the children too
wonder who knew
knock-knock the who..

Saturday 22 June 2024

Molten Cold


he bought the propaganda
so now he lurks in a fetid stinking trench
and he requires revenge
because he bought the propaganda
so now he lurks in a fetid stinking trench..

fears incandescent lap and lick
the infinite rage 
sine wave
hate self-hate press here for here
the thumping arrowhead rotates..

arrived unbidden and poleaxed him
the unvarnished truth the truth

the nods the whispers
the shocking revelations correlated
a consoling hand on his shoulder
yeah i believed all that too..

to the hollow marching drum beat
where suspended disbelief once cheerily swilrled
the lies self-entangling unforgiving confining
caress cold the molten man..

amid mundane conversation and gallows humour 

the attriting 
matter-of-fact shell-shocked grief-stricken
ice floes collide a mountain collapse
frazzled senses lacquer the frying balm..

so should we be here at all..
…so why are we..

he bought the propaganda
so now he lurks in a fetid stinking trench
and he requires revenge
because he bought the propaganda
so now he lurks a fetid stinking trench..

Saturday 15 June 2024

Election Senryu

soon that time again
the uniparty needs you
although they do not..

Saturday 8 June 2024

To The Termination Of The Termites

until quite recently naysayers believed
that to annihilate most of the useless eaters
is over-ambitious
a pipe dream
though the proposition delicious
could never be realistically achieved
yet now what do we witness..

only the other day
one such friend said to me
i was wrong
i doubted
but now I can clearly see how this is playing out
a left hook then a right
then an upper-cut
pummelled to soft oblivion
slowly then all at once attriting to cinders
convolved with their tv dinners
all met with hardly any resistance..

well i put my arm around my dear friend and smiled
wait and see what will play out next and next
though you have probably guessed
you will laugh how easy it will be
even i have been delightedly surprised
by how little push-back there has been
though we give them the heads-up each time
they still have no mind to construe
so that will be for them to rue..

my friend nodded
for it seems to me
they are all so worn out
only passively waiting and even willing their very demise
moths around blown lights
so let us raise our glasses to the final victory
a toast
to the termination of the termites..

Sunday 2 June 2024

Forgive The Forgetful Commentariat


how very animated and engaged
the bbc and the rest of the mainstream are..
about the post office inquiry
so very sceptical the talking heads sidebar
about how so many former executives
had their collective memory shredded and deleted and wiped
for none of them seem to recall much of anything
and how loudly the disgusted so courageously opine
that none of this seems remotely believable or right..

and yet
these very same mainstream journalists and satirists
and all the other highly upstanding commentariat elites
none of them have an inkling who green-lit/ enabled/ assisted savile
and his highly protected and sick ocg
kept so very industrious over decades
kept so busy abusing and procuring
countless starry-eyed and vulnerable children
innocents lured to the old bbc hq in shepherds bush
saving children for a certain child-line pipeline
all in the line of duty of course..

for decade after decade after decade
happening right in front of all their forensic eyes
even after he mockingly stated the quiet bit out loud
for more than one time this pied piper piped..

should we give them all the bafta
posthumously he fixed it for..
and to this day
silence to eleven
what are barn doors good for..

so no need for any police raids and arrests
let alone a real comprehensive inquiry
or justice and compensation for the victims
the paedo elites also need to scrape a living
so forgive the forgetful
it was all such a long time ago
have they not got news for you now or ever
antiques sideshow..

oh before i forget
rest in peace jill dando
probably entirely unconnected
not sure why i even mentioned it..