Monday, 21 January 2013
Press The Button
As the blizzards of London continue,
To hold us to ransom with two-millimetre snow:
Arctic conditions in the warmer world,
'Tis verily updated Doctor Zhivago..
I accidentally press the "delete Facebook from the world" button,
And one-seventh of ecosystem disappeared,
All dissolved into a soluble realm,
An aspirinless ether.
I couldn't locate the "I was only kidding, sorry. I didn't mean it" button,
Thus unable to reset two billion souls into existence again.
One-seventh of the world's women and men,
And their press-ganged pets,
All who had up to, but no more than, five-thousand friends.
Facebook won't allow you five-thousand-and-one friends,
Because no-one needs five-thousand-and-one friends.
Even the most popular pets don't need five-thousand-and-one friends,
Unless they're celebrities,
Or their owners are celebrities.
Some celebrity pets even have celebrity owners,
It's an astonishingly small world,
For celebrity pets,
And celebrity owners.
Sometimes pressing buttons isn't fun -
My hypnopompic number one.