Saturday, 26 March 2016

The World's First Hypertext

The hypertext of the soul
The before and after of rock and roll
Lines of diamond sculpt the snow
A crystal show kaleidoscope

Drafted by decoders inked with light
Their burning eyes sift the night
In dreaming true allotments grow
Such orchids shape in moon shadow

The hypertext of the soul
The enfolding aurora manifold
What forces shape the mind's binary star
The butterfly

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Capital Flight Landlords Of The World Unite

capital flight landlords of the world unite
new glass satanic mills' trinkets delight
ten thousand dimpled points of dimmer-switch-to-let light
stacked hot knives of smoked steel shaft the shamble of sky
the economic locusts dropship honey umbrellas
gold meteors swarm
foundational craters pre-load
cash cows shall crow and keep mum sold

capital flight landlords of the world unite
even before the next cold war turns hot
it's lift-off 
you'll yield a thousand percent on the dotted line
these sparkles of alchemy
in the refugees' star-crossed night all shine

so the builders stack them high
melting like clockwork drip dead on site sometimes
only say maybe to contracted life
the soccer stalwarts of qatar
have got that s.o.p goal down tight

capital flight landlords of the world don't flee
virtually visit your space station
like tim peake's chroma keying thingy
enjoy the 3d tour projected on the square blue show
a glass of wine a supermodel
cream in your ice cone
your bouncey castle fireproof is underwritten by nero

for where chaos resides there's the short side
the flip of the share slide
so you know you can let it all ride
all permutations shall ignite your points of light
one illuminati to another should bend the will of time all right
and make it walk your zig zag line

ignore the affluenza alienation
hold on to the wood-fired gentrification
a tureen of organic mushy pea squash for a small ransom
your toilet roll makes platinum
even your pet skunks smell handsome

the security guards
and chefs
shall have a temporary pass issued
to allow themselves in
but only via the discreet side door
by the wheelie bins

for every palace shall have
an entrance for the queens and kings
and another for those they suffer to serve them gated
and they must utilise the goods' lift sated

Friday, 18 March 2016

True Poets Shut Up And Sing

so dismal
didactic serial interviewee poets
flea celebrities
endlessly drool publicly over their verse
they bid you welcome
these belly gazing curators
kicking and screaming you into their
hairy schmoozer purse string universe
oh my goodness

cursed exhibitionist mercenaries
unsparing their hive mind of me
like shark-eyed self-genuflecting bullet point donkeys
powerpoint munchkins
'tis mental masturbation surely
absurd really
and so beneath the elusive muse moose divinity
and what's more
Defeats Poetry

never trust such vain doppelgangers dismal
for Poetry is
dear true poets here's the thing
simply shut up and sing
your poetry being is being
being in that poem thing
for poetry becomes its meaning true
somewhere between the attuned transmission receiver
the within now between now living outside you

thus shun the Brigade MeMeMe
the starstruck solipsists spoking
the lighted streams of the midnight industry
spooking the silent vessel scribes of the raw true weave
toiling beneath the earthshine
gazing out of cars
some thrown out of bedrooms
others propping up bars
you know who you are
and even if you don't
all the better

poet be
free that poem go
you be gone
evaporate like mist
for the membrane of your breath is the poem's air
not the ego's fist
only the deafening nowhere trills the philistine whores
damned besotted slam-dunked on their own reflection
surfing the dappled quick sand of self deception
where the poet becomes the venal product sold
in the me myself and i mold

through the verse flute gift your brimming muse truth
it works it works somehow
and you the poet take care
stay invisible
if you dare
shut up and sing
along the interpretation alley Poetry lives

your poetry fired aloft to float away
the snowflake spiral
flits etheric a voice
the mystic geometry of your fractal words
now lifted away on their magic carpet ride
salute that choice

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Quantum Paradox

this inner voice wrapped outside of sound
resounds the lowest hum
the outflowing rush encases the night 
is this vibration Love?

this inner voice outside the rational
  limpid consciousness entwines
  yet the darkness owns time?

to hold the source of that flash 
 fill with your hands the ocean
  the eternal truth might last a drop 
 one life the grain the precious grain

so what of injustice
  of grief and trauma
  of loss 
 none of this illusion 
 spare the suffering the empathy of preachers
  the stars extinguish in tears 
 and vibrate broken wishes saved by children..

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

You Say Oprah

She asked me if I like opera,
I replied, I prefer post rock ambient electronica.
No! she shrieked, I mean Op-rah, not opera!
You know, the world's biggest celebrity of America?
Op-rah who? I enquired
Oprah who? OPRAH! OPRAH Winfrey?!
Oh. Pee. Arrhh. Ehh. Aitch. Oprah!
Wow, you really think

when people say Oprah, they actually mean..op-e-ra?
Well, it was nice meeting you..

So umm..I must be going..
She waved her arm around the mezzanine lounge,
Taking in the other waiting omega male dating clowns.

I nodded,
Her eyes scored me nought,
The bartender offered me a vodka,

And a double-take thought:
That has to be the speediest speed-date thumbs down
I've ever seen in this town,
Well at least she will remember you now.

Seconds out,
And it was time to meet another speed datee;
I asked her if she likes Oprah,

She said she did and asked the same of me,
Oh, I said (smarter now) I prefer re-runs of Gerry Springer.
She jumped off the bar stool - another pull of the trigger,
And the bartender poured me a triple..