Sunday, 27 October 2024

Fade To Vivid


that quickly snapped photo
the poignancy of the memento
the precious one thriving there
here and where..

that quickly snapped photo
no artfully applied brushstrokes
no purposeful artistic appraisal
no inspired portraiture delicate
resplendent with rich primary colours
deftly layered with subtle shades pastel
no easel required for this unframed nail..

and yet each pixel transforms confounded
somehow suffused supernaturally
with breath and life savoured
so all the artifacts ambushed with flash
the washed-out shades and textures harshened
even the shadows that become off-set
out-of-focus and all that
none of that matters
none of that really matters

that spirit essence
where surface swoons deep
imbues the grain
the ordinary moment transcendent
inner light only fades to vivid
the fade-out vaulted luminous
their nature nurtured with linked air dimensional

the eyes the inner light
brushes the receiving lens
whispering the between-us said unsaid

that expression..

the crystallised moment flowing
flowing past
ever flowing
sunset infuses river
then the moon rises
admixture mingles..

beneath the plastic
the slender air-gap
the toughened smash-proof glass
protecting the thumbnail
the heart dilates protective..

that quickly snapped photo
it transforms
watering the memory well..

the silvery pale
attach the bifurcated mist..
send to self..

that quickly snapped photo

the subject not knowing
the afterimage overlay
in rude health turns around to gaze
at their still life imprinting..

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