You should have been here yesterday
Ten thousand flamingos danced all over the square
A bouquet of jasmine blooms filled the air
Golden geese spiralled a mid-air fanfare
Peace doves gently dropped ribbon boxes of chocolate eclairs
You should have been here yesterday
Billionaires gave away their mansions and wares
Rare paintings
and rare cars
with free aftercare
The wise wizards granted wishes
striking snowy lightening air
And bushy-tailed genies offered magic carpet rides free to anywhere
You should have been here yesterday
Fireworks reaching the stars
stunned an amazed crimson dream sky
Airships spiralled lasers of dazzling dancing blue fire
Dolphins rodeo-rode zookeepers through hoops of spinning tyres
Snowboarders flew upside mountains gravity-defying them
and never tiring
You should have been here yesterday
Guitar-playing hyenas serenaded peacocks under ice cream trees
Rabbits on table mats sold honey for sun-bathing bees
A circus of acrobats juggled three ballet-performing fleas
Tortoises ran hundred metre races under ten seconds with ease
You should have been here yesterday
Pandapenguinparrots danced the samba on ice
Polar bear waiters
with chop stick carrots
served lemony rice
Jam-hamsters razzing chariots
baked strawberry pizzas and pies
And meerkats whisked chips well mushy
and deep-fizzy-fried
Albatrosses jammed on ukuleles
Stockholm Starfish skydived with parachutes of bay leaves
delivering azaleas
Nightingales swooped above a swooning
Pygmalion and Aphrodite
As alien shaman
Whirled to mermaids' songs
Copenhagen Unicorns
On golden orbs soaring
Were airborne
Raucous minotaurs joined in warbling
From the dinosaur superstore we were all cheering applauding
I'll shut up now I'm getting boring