Saturday, 18 November 2017

A Fistful Of Beautiful Memories Turn Me To Dust

The galaxy of the heart also pierces

on beautiful memories..

Pipette starlight buds open
Atemporal filaments spark and flower
Rekindle the There-Here Duality Mrs
Time's double-slit ricochet tickles
the visitation re-flash miraculous 
         often disconcerting ~ thus vanquished
The swerving memory lens 
swivels one-eighty
and simultaneously back

Vivified replays ~ looping lava reels
In through out..out through in..
An entangled time displaced unity
The mosaic slivering elements 
swim the The Remembrance Palace Lake
The double-helix dancer silhouettes
snow-stark kisses ~ her Venus lips..

There the silken spinning event horizon 
weaves time's curve eclipse
The goldfish bowl is a strange fish
Your non-local self constellation
so much more than only a machine
A sun tsunami
A bringer of origami gifts
Sender to receiver
Sender to sender
Receiver to receiver ~
Beautiful memories..

Rearranged revived
Images as delicate as a Ming vase
Lit dust alchemises
Waves of fleeting nights magnetise
Ripple out through Inner Space Time
Love joy meaning transcendence
inform the present absence
Octaves flow as earthshine 
the softest heat-seeking missiles
Switch-blade whirlpools glisten..

A fistful of beautiful memories
Turn me to dust ~ again
A fistful of astonished hot stones
the desert sand vitrifies
Glass slithering snakes
shape-shift within the petrified ruins..

So I spread out my palm
And the butterfly reappears
Flutters and shimmers and lifts
in all its delicate dance
Translucent gifts balance
Shimmering the electric blue field
Time-slips float down drifting spirals..

The circling butterfly
The wings so delicate
Wings like silver sheen opalesces
Born only when gone glowing
Touching the hem of the heavens
The parchment span fluttering
Hair-triggers the monsoon
The moon bursts open the magnets..

Beautiful memories 
Are too much sometimes ~ a flood..

In the torrential downpour
I remember to stretch out my palm
So I stretch out my palm
The butterfly lands
                               to lift me away...