Sunday, 18 February 2018

Crimewatch Verses Spartacus ~ Blame Russia

Pinstripe broker ~ ambulatory mantis
Darting eyes on pinging pavements swivel
Twi-twoo Mini Moog prancer
Golf club satyr legs bumble
Trout pincer knees pelvis dangle
Bungee-pimp shoes squish tadpoles..

Squeegee beep-beep prowler
Online kerb-crawler lurking shark 
With his mezzanine clicks of the mouse
reserves his preferred anti-septic boudoir ~ his parlour
Throws his service provider
A wristful of PayPal 
His low-hanging broiling payload
Frazzles and drizzles expectorating deposit tantra..

Later still..
The broken more liquid Millennial
Tamps away her perfume
Closes her cubicle door
To his discharged simian pheremones
Being a student nurse isn't easy
Now also a First World indulgence
Education Education Education..Moar Woar..

Sugar daddy caveman
Bounces down a stair
Like a Michelin Man of turnip monoxide
Our cosmic ride
Shall soon flip over to super-saturated magenta
Distant patter softly louder
Drumming clip-clops magnetise
Polar shift ever closer rolling rolling
All very B. DeMille
Timpani ratatat..atat
Icy breeze blocks descending
Like a thousand crashing lifts 
The parrot screams to bounce and echo
Clipping descending shafts of chirruping light..

I am Spartacus
Oh hang on officer
No I'm not
No but..he is.. he is..
Officer do I get a finder's fee
Like on Crimewatch
All their caring viewers were an inspiration
"Remember don't have nightmares
Spartacus will soon be dealt with
And there could be a cash reward.."
Why never a gift voucher
for the runners-up I always wondered..

'Twas tell-lie-vision programming
Method Acting masterclasses
For budding Crisis Actors' drills
The saucy noir rape reconstructions
Always in the best taste
Ratings never an issue revered
Broadcast only to keep us disgusted voyeurs safe..

The Moon Tannoy announces
The next bank crash will arrive shortly
And that's the thing about buses..
And we will keep you guessing
about the Project Bluebeam ETs
The Flash Gordon false flag..

Crow wings panel-beat prayer
High rise City open windows beckon
Al-fresco salsa-dips concrete dimples
Nemesis staycation
What does this installation
remind you of Abramovic
Oh Spirit Cooking..she might say..

Fleeting divers
Another human jettisons
Zero-hour sated for the flotsam broker
Fiat currency on your never never
Uri Geller on a bender..

The public school prepping
The head master spooning you over
The pig head rituals
The squaring circles
What was it all for
Did it all really mean nothing
except 33 9 11 22 7
And other money magic numbers..

However only his final three seconds
Passed before his eyes
And it was one of those times
When a lapsed atheist priest on stand-by
might have helped profoundly
Or at least a little..

The paramedic 
would have spared you some change
No one should die like this
Empathy is weird that way
I am whispering a prayer for you too
No offence..

As for the fire fighters
Grim jokes all round
They blast-spray 
the split packaged semi-organic graffiti
Readying the pavements
For another singularity bail out
Tarmac tresses
The fall of murals 
Squirt-friendly personkind aspartame..

Theresa May 
Have you pre-prepared
The blame the miners speech 
Stylised for the 2.0
"Enough is enough..again..
The unions..again.."
The old ones are the best
And the comedy so long-forgotten
it will seem almost shiny and new..

The real ETs will weep
As human bombs drop
Simon Cowell and the Rothschilds
Will they karaoke to cannibalism
And Oprah Winfrey must await
her weirdest stage ~ her Hillary moment
Won't it happen
We're only ever one war away 
from the next one
Keep blaming Russia
And the Great Reset might be upon us yet
Super easy
We can haggle rocks for Bitcoin..

And if we survive
In only a year or two from now I guess
Amazon will be parachuting
A.I. robots from drones
And we won't even look up
from our 5g visors
As the droids crash
on the parades about us
Our brains crossfired in the burgeoning Smart Cities
Fried zombie li-fi marines we'll be
Tripping over graphene limbo limbs
And it won't seem so strange..

And the indebted student 
Virtual real Manga chick
Will ingeniously market herself
As a genuine human 
for the more old-fashioned kind of guy
~  the more sensualist NHS employee patron
Holding more old-fashioned standards..

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