Sunday, 29 November 2020

Proof Of Haiku Concept Album (Light Through The Dark Optics)


thousands of photos
on the plastic device
glass note glissando..

smile unto yourself
selfies enter the meeting
kidnapped in its chat..

mobile for christmas
bowed lips purse blowjob blowfish
infants mimic stars..

rabbits catching lights
the persona containers
compressed in thumb drives..

the curve of flat planes
budget flighted memories
nought chants to zero..

the random dovetails
in concert with fan requests
flash freeze tapestries..

orchards of landscapes
trees icebergs mountains peoples
liquid earth kisses..

the artistic flourish
yellow tape chalk lines with paint
voyeur consciousness..

do two-way mirrors
trick projecting confidence
answers on a stamp..

the lost love moved on
to respectfully delete
save the memories..

abuse death threats trolls
broken-hearted child confused
the cause – kitten pics..

the yearning prolonged
the ineffable to grasp
midnight train to sun..

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Our Man From The Identity Poetry Politburo


celebrated cutnpaste lowly poemy priestlet
tidemark itchy hornet rash pointy finger beat
pulp-spam-pulpit bow-wow thunk-policer hubris
tinnitus rhythm ding-ding illiterative glimmerist..

tavistock instantman boilerplate sham-angster

ident-politburo pummeler june-jejune poetrickster
didactic spammer nappyglam antsy lisa moaner
scheme-miring teeth-grinder parrot funnels emus..

he likes shagging feminists an agitprop priapist
blowhard thumbs-up likes entice horny misandrists
bingo clipboard tickntick a triggered miser wordist
another gesture-genuflector fistfuls of fog remain..

should you beg to differ defer to tram his thong
his fake love upturns hummus man frosty kong
beast mode turbo ego astroturf fluff-tiggerdome
larynx bullshit stratocaster vacuum pack one tone..

entitled prune-messiah rising on the bbc so soon
another covid wave he will master-mug on zoom
an mbe on its way a gold globule for purple piss
because that is the way they like it..tick tick tick..

anal mason plasterjazz noodley tree of po show
dot insectoid splatterman spins vortex-neck libido
leaning pisa maestro glows fabulist in tepees
per tiddely-pom tadpole-fizzy he waxes rivet-ditty..

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Metropolitan Country Song

as we were conversing
the cool night shuttering within air
i felt the edges around an unspoken something
her grief hopeful grief for some theft to love
to set sail what kind of temple on her raft
her pact her deal with the dark side motioned..

and her eyes reflected the windows on her eyes
the windows the night rain outside smudged
the traffic lights winking at the signals blur
blending stop go left right speed up slow down
the open sesame to this secret staircase

alias an escalator down the upward vortex..

her exhale blew a halo clouding the glass
will ouroboros pin a zero on her infinity symbol
then we were silent with her dark deal confided
we both gazed back out the window
slanted rain etched the glass like war paint
i laughed only in fear of this world of initiation..

Monday, 9 November 2020

They Bring Us Gifts


dog whistle vessels make some noise
feedback loops enchant
echocardiograms with parabolic waves..

repeating glissando
action/reaction the sonic ricochet
make some noise for whomever then empty
recycle green..

the spears shake
the spaghetti smiles purse
smear the deal seal the lips
crocodile tears roll up smoked glass
like a drill..

anticipating the white noise thrills to come
sit tight lie down upright
we must heed the whistle call again
woof woof meow
magnetar on guitar
heads go pop..

like a returning summer breeze
faith renewed just like that
return to the programming scheduled
the mysterious keys to the heart
so easy to forge to find..

fortune yet again will usher destiny
fill auditoriums of the everyday woman
and the everyday man
our voices heard at last
we the content blah blah moon/june sos
beat poetry to the chosen someone else
the speech bubble parables parade..

as lowered fishing nets glisten hooked mirrors dip
some fish will harmlessly flip
still refract the blinding shine from above
silvery flames kiss the coastal waters
the rolling curl-over waves buoy undulating
jack-in-a-box seers incoming..

the iridescent dunes rise and roll against the promenade
bringing undetected mysterious bottles
with messages hidden inside to unroll
they tinkle onto the shoreline just as the moon rises
and the seemingly gentle outgoing tide beckons
offering new and improved gifts gifts gifts..

from somewhere
somewhere over there
the sirens ululations call us


Sunday, 1 November 2020

Halloween For Christmas

ladies and gentlemen the new lockdown be here
willing you to imbibe your own canned-masked-laughter
gag until christmastime..

so until then listen to cliff richard
the great granny farm messiah
he went to sun city back in the day
he sang about a devil woman
he sang about jesus
he never sang about steve biko..

and lo the wise men followed the blue halloween moon
and they spied a couple in a barn
and the couple were not social distancing from their new infant
and the wise men shook their heads in despair
and they called the police
and the police issued a verbal warning to the couple
and an on-the-spot fine just to drive home the point..

and the wise men were pleased with the police and they did offer the police gifts
masks sanitisers two-metre measuring sticks
and the police said cheers
and little baby jesus said to himself
why should i even bother..

and on hearing the thoughts of the infant
the lord did look kindly upon jesus and smiled
and whispered to jesus
fair enough..