Sunday, 31 January 2021

An Open Letter To An Extraterrestrial


if an extraterrestrial allowed me to meet them
on the condition i would ask them only one question
here is what i would say
would you kindly share your philosophy..

this open-ended question
might intrigue them
for inherent within the question is my wish to establish a relatable connection
mind to mind
soul to soul
for truth-seeking and life-affirming empathy is limitless..

i might add
we see you in the sky
and mariners watch your ships rise from and fly down into
the deepest lakes and oceans
our governments lie for they say you do not exist here
and the witnesses who have observed you
are labelled liars or unenlightened or delusional conspiracy theorists
never mind for we know you are up there and down below
and we know you know
so please share your philosophy
some of us are ready to listen so please share
what you believe what you feel what you know
including what you know about us humans
that we might not know..

the other mortal being might say
you probably will not apprehend
and i will reply
this does not matter
it does not matter at all
so please go ahead..

the being comprehending may also understand
and settle my restlessness with the most gracious act of kindness
and share a glimpse into the awe-inspiring
perhaps also frightening and astonishing beyond
their real world might be comprised of the whole universe and strange time and more..

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