Monday, 25 January 2021

If You Must Self-identity As A Thinking Human Being


brigade seventy-seven have entered the uk chat
you better realise that to simply ask a question
now is regarded as a subversive act..

for your question might sow unwarranted doubt 
and the-we cannot tolerate that
if you must self-identify as a thinking human being
we of the seventy-seventh may have to seek you out
gently throw our anonymised weight about
for this untoward form of identarianism is not allowed..

the andy mcnab fanboys in your house
squirm supreme behind your mind
poke inside your ears
their clamped eyes roving want yours tourniqueted
deckchair-droids on tenterhooks for the state
pay your taxes and be gracious
always realise too late
always realise too late..

they have their playbook
they have their ready-made cheat-sheets
complete with flowcharted ready-made quips
their cut-and-paste ad hominems zero-in to splatter
when a red-lined ip address pings it rings them
the plugged-in trapping monks then reel the baited in
to drop in fig leaf batter
because to stupefy enquiring minds matters..

brigade seventy-seven have entered the chat
you better realise that to simply ask a question 
now is regarded as a subversive act..

no doubt the combat-trousered mannequins
have a coffee machine in the foyer
and a break-out lounge where they wind down
consuming teletubby news
thought-paratroopers on the ground tiggering
apocalypse new has its very own ride of the valkyries
fly in low
bomb the cyber sea tree line

duh duh duh duuuh duh...

the pop culture commentariat never call them out
why would they
being merely different means to the same end
for the best form of propaganda is entertainment
wave away the air
then serenade the vacuum again..

this brigade seventy-seven self-identity as..
agents of change
through targeted information and outreach
plus ca change..

they sport venus fly trap boots on their mice
their honeypot tricks entice the bitten to bite for databases
and if your self-censorship shifts into silent-mode
that works almost as well
swivel your head three-sixty before you utter a thought
then swivel your head three-sixty again and again and..
see if you can spy the camouflaged owl stare
perched so still as your vertigo in a vice falls in..

your lacuna whispers its note to self
i should not be saying this should i..
getting ideas above my station 
maybe there is something wrong with me
yes there is something wrong with me
i better de-platform myself
from all the platforms
and most importantly from all of myself
before i do an injury..
i have no wish to be a targeted individual
i must carefully pick my battles
meantime best to be thoughtless
paint my pupils in shades of pastel
for when i peep out of my tortoiseshell..

brigade seventy-seven have entered the chat
you better realise that to simply ask a question 
now is regarded as a subversive act..

comply and resign to our equilibrium
freedom of thought is a dangerous thing
consider it an extreme sport
to self-identify as a thinking human being..

7 /7-out..

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