Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Point Of Entry


sitting quietly still
watching the scenery roll by
like a fleshed-out studio production
with accompanying wobbly vaudeville piano
a ski-slope slide..

the passers-by
a character study
who am i..

tufts of tumbleweed rain
another piece of scenery
windows eyes..

the scenery performs all by itself
consciousness is not a spreadsheet
the fade-to-vivid..

every mundane second
one hallmark of full-blown sobriety
the intense psychedelia of the ordinary
an appreciation appearing to appear on..

i tie ribbons to a few strands of shredded drizzle
stark and saturated and striking
a guitar solo for abandoned new warehouses
the enigmatic open smile of a crumpled car bonnet
an adagio of ignored alarms
the swelling silence blows a candle..

i disappear into this
the nothing
something more than an upended zero
more than rolling green fields
living cat-dragged pedigree luminous
like a newly abandoned lover
the flat grey city plains unfold
vast ticking seconds
the weird of human..

watering reflections
water reflections
poetry with impunity
poetry without direction
so effortless
gently points..


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