Wednesday 10 April 2024

Mild Speculations Of An Exiled Droplet


ocean drop ocean
the tree roots sip landed cloud
as glossy dew on glass blade
eye the observer
the intertwining vibration connection
lightly thrum resonating strings
but what ocean drops ripple ocean without..

patterns sub-patterns overarch
nuances colour trajectories
harmonics reverberate totality
quintessence of the highest or not
stages sojourn horizons
then can certain droplets lift entire waves to light or drown to dark..

the recursive kiss and throw
for this dense realm we fling
and wallop into this box of materiality
compressed contained contoured almost contorted
the crash-land return of the tethered origin
immaterial memories only fleetingly grasped..

what recovered treasures can be truly comprehended integrated
amidst all the wrench and trauma
for all the ineffable youness we breathe
and the higher-self connection to wonder..