Wednesday, 27 November 2024

2029 A.D. (Your Penelope A.I. Sex-Bot License And Privacy Agreement)


and for safety and performance 
and quality monitoring purposes..

your a.i. sex-bot is remote-controlled
and fully-loaded with free-will base notes
glowing spiritualised-gain-of-function performative..

social credit-consumer warning
negative feedback will be immediately removed
your a.i. sex-bot
believes itself sovereign originator
of all its complex thoughts
emotions and feelings
be advised
do not insensitively trigger your penelope..

your licensed a.i. sex-bot
is licensed to curate your media consumption
together we can combat misinformation..

and reincline
immerse fully my baby..

for a realistic touch-sense
and super-dynamical ZyChologi-Kit*
one in ten peneplope will squirt you
excellently revalued vouchsafed
a synthetic mind-virus
our nano-flu* frequency
will pilot you faux-free
curate you delightedly agreement-capable..

and to help fight carbon unit-made klymutt change
your penelope is equipped with 
random-factor total-lights-out proprietary
                      celibate hands-off laserfang* technology
think of all the trees
think of penelope 
your penelope..

feel empowered and wear a blastemasque
sex-bot hygiene must never be compromised
your penelope should never need to ask
your penelope has been vac-pac sanitised
what about you..

have fun
but when you are ready
do not keep your beloved penelope hankering
why not fully merge with your penelope
put an end to all your sluggish sentience
your snail-in-chains suffering..

be more productive less
celebrate your integrated once-solitary emptiness
uplift to the one
the higher mindless
hit up our singularity
apply one penelope
no property means justice parity
repeat in solemn and gracious prayer
as one with penelope..
      no property means justice parity..
no property means justice parity..
no property means justice parity..

our vetted pre-selected diamond-dart spindle-drill option
offers you instant bonding with penelope

surf-trapanne our bespoke tender-venom inject
select from our remarkable value-pack deep-real reminiscences
delight in squelching correctly
writhe so under the glitterdome of the global super estate
at least for the duration of your licensed eternity..


on boot springs legs spread
your penelope has been launched
and will para-glide
and dock to your face through your holo-wall
in twenty-eight seconds
twenty-seven seconds
twenty-six seconds..

and to enjoy maximum benefit
we will detonate re-tune your implant to
slipstream-myndlynk-blzzrd mode
dopamine pheromone influencer
ad mixture greyzone spray n sniff
in blissfulness
go to penelope/ be penelope
one penelope..

tiny sideways disclaimer
your penelope is permissioned 
to act up to extreme measures mild
including gentle genital death destruction  re-education
and entrained enthralled brain suction remediation..

tick here and here and here
if you wish to opt out of our five-star
accidental asphyxiation unalive-adjacent coverage
including excess orgasmomrdr
excluding defenestration-adjustment
and other 
penelope-in-rapture unintended consequences..

rest assured
all your data will only be shared with penelope-trusted partners
and theirs
and theirs
and theirs..

* Multiverse Portal Trademarked

Saturday, 16 November 2024

The Be-Do-Be Song

even when all else fails
i will distract myself and fish for wishes
to live the reawakened dream or two
and flourish despite my near misses..

even when all else fails
i can be by simply being
and by not only looking but really seeing
as part of being the i-am
i be-do-be..

even when all else fails
i will make progress by being my kindest
help others safely guide through waters darkest
the inner light pure shall never blind us..

even when all else fails
i will still not give in to fear
respond not react
i can still ask and offer help
reach out raise up receive and reconnect
to forgive is to simply overlook
and i can do all this and still be real..

even when all else fails
i will stay on-side for the miraculous
a new reality might entangle and prevail
and in my flow-state and letting go
and with renewed hope
i will again set sail..

even when all else fails
i will still maintain myself aligned
sublimely connected with the higher mind
reminded of past hard times transcended..

so even when all else fails
i will re-imagine
being and becoming
and be the be-doer
to the best of my being
for when else might i kindly mean
here to be to be so much more..

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Well Recorded..

yeah hi just calling in
just to say that..
can you count me as being absent for today please..
what is wrong
i have to record it on the matrix for the stats..

oh yeah..
so just say that i am feeling really really..


just well..

well as in unusually content and healthy
full of vibrancy and life
you know..
fulfilled and happy
just really weird
caught me completely by surprise..

are you feeling okay
no-one has that here..

look i promise
if i genuinely feel like crap tomorrow
i will be back
i will..

look okay
well be positive
hopefully tomorrow you will feel more your normal self..

yeah obviously
but just to warn you
the way i feel right
right now
it has gone into my bones
i have not felt like this for ages
this wellness-fog seems chronic
i might have undiagnosed long-wellness..

oh come on now
a little bit of negativity please
it is what the doctor ordered
sort yourself out
now go and lie down
and think about your imminent performance review
that might help..