I've fallen deeply in love with the girl,Hiding in the electronic check-out number four.She never sounds sad or angry.Her perfect, modulated tones,Oh, how I wish to take her home.There she hides beneath the screen,"Please place the item in the bag..",
So I respectfully place my vegan mayonnaise,
In the bag.In the past,Leaning close to her bar-code reader,
I've whispered,"Would you like to go out
for a drink with me sometime?",She's never replied.How improbably, exceptionally shy!Imagine hiding in your check-out bunker,All day long,All day long!Announcing prices, instructions..Do you have your lunch-break in there?I wonder,Do you only open your hatch for sun and air?,Or only when the security guard,Taps your glass screen:" Hey, it's all clear now,
They've all gone,You can come out now.
It's safe, t
here's no-one around."?I always wave at her bar-code reader,But no hand has ever appeared to wave back.
But,Sometimes, she bleeps.You know,I'm sure that that's her way of confiding in me,That she knows I'm there,And she knows I care.I don't know what she looks like.And you know,It doesn't much matter to me,For my love for the invisible check-out girl,Is so beyond the mundane, physical.I never thought I'd say that,And mean it!When I gently stroke her buttons,She responds with:"Please enter the code again.",So I tenderly press her buttons again,And then,
From somewhere behind that touch-screen of hers,She replies with her classy, cut-glass, restrained,
"Thank you.",
And always followed with her coy, mysterious,
Silence.And so here I am again,In this queue,
I always wave other customers past me,
If check-out number four isn't through,For she has to know -
Has to know,
I will never be unfaithful -I will never go to another till.And now,
There she is,
The regular girl,
Who directs us to the available check-outs,
Rolls her eyes at me,
Maybe she's jealous,
Because I'm holding a bunch of flowers.
So here I stand,
In front of till number four,
And I confess to her:
"I worry about you:
Hiding, crouched all day
Beneath your till?
It must do your poor back in!
I wish you would come out from hiding in there,
I could give you a lovely massage..".
I can feel,
All the other customers stares,
What is their problem?
I continue:
"I love you,
And I don't care who knows it!"
There's laughter around me now,
But I must press on:
"I'm holding a lovely bunch of flowers for you..",
I wave them in front of her bar-code reader,
And she replies instantly with,
"Thank you for shopping at Tescos.".
"No, thank you,
I love you shy, subterranean check-out girl.
I'll leave the flowers here for you."
I place them by her side,
And begin to take my leave,
..There's a voice..
And a hush descends..